Investments & Placements

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About our Investments and Placements Solutions abroad

Third-party investment solutions to help you grow your assets.

Hedge funds • Important Capital

These funds are usually offshore investment companies. This service is open to a limited number of investors who are looking for a significant profit while bearing significant risks on speculative strategies. The manager invests, in the medium to short term, to obtain significant capital gains through the purchase and resale of financial products. Hedge funds are targeted to client portfolios seeking immediate and significant profitability, and who are looking for a rather aggressive strategy.

Investment funds • Medium Capital

The objective of investment funds is to invest in the financial markets and aims to give an effective return to the account holder. The funds are made up of numerous participants in order to increase investment capacity. These banking solutions are confidential, and provide a significant increase in your earnings that are subject to limited or no taxation at all. Different investment funds exist for a large range of customers.

Derivatives • Bespoke Services

Typical derivatives may be transfers, exchanges, or options. CALAY Banking puts you in contact with an account manager who will review in details your situation and your motivations.
This person will also advise you on the strategy to adopt, rather passive or aggressive, and will propose you products that are adapted to your expectations and your needs.